Mosin Nagant M1891 (UE5 Project)
Ecsedi Attila
- Anim_Barrel_Slide_Backward
- Anim_Barrel_Slide_Backward_to_Dry
- Anim_Barrel_Slide_Forward
- Anim_Barrel_Slide_Wait
- Anim_Fire
- Anim_Fire_to_Dry
- Anim_Reload_FullMag
- Anim_Reload_OneBullet
- Anim_Reload_OneBullet_From_Dry
Number of Unique Meshes: 7
Tri Count:
- Mosin Nagant : 16 472
- Scope : 5268
- Mag : 3328
- Bullet : 600
- Bullet Head : 288
- Cartridge : 312
- Empty Mag : 328
Collision: Yes
LODs: Only Lod0
Number of Materials: 2 Master and 4 Instances (Rifle Body, Scope, Lens, Bullet)
Number of Textures: 12 + 3 Dummy
Texture Resolutions: 4k for Rifle Body and Scope, 2k for Lens and Bullet
Documentation: Not needed, but if you have any question feel free to ask!
The mesh supports both vertex and skeletal animation. Vertex animation can be used within the material.
144 MB
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